On-duty Policewoman praised for breastfeeding “neglected” hungry and crying baby!

It was an ordinary duty-day for policewoman Celeste Ayala, who was deployed at the Sister Maria Ludovica children’s hospital in Argentina – until a crying, visibly discomforted baby was brought-in to the medical establishment.

Moved by the infant’s sobbing, Celesta figured the little one might have been crying of hunger and offered the hospital’s busy staff, “more than just a helping hand.”

Ms Ayala asked if she could hug and feed the baby who, according to the hospital staff – looked “neglected, smelly and dirty.”

It wasn’t long before the on-duty police officer started breastfeeding the little one and it instantly seemed to calm him down.

Pictures of Celesta feeding the distressed toddler were spread on social media and soon turned her into a star – as people praised her ‘selfless act of kindness.’

Speaking to the local media, Ms Ayala  was quoted saying:

“I noticed that he was hungry, as he was putting his hand into his mouth, so I asked to hug him and breastfeed him. It was a sad moment, it broke my soul seeing him like this, society should be sensitive to the issues affecting children, it cannot keep happening.”

It was later found that the baby was the youngest among six other siblings in a family – who were being taken care of by a singer mother, coping with tough situations.

Ayala’s picture was shared online by her colleague, Marcos Heredia – and it has since turned her into an internet star for her ‘motherly love and gesture.’

How often do you see someone going beyond their duties to help someone in-need?

‘Mother of the day’ title goes to Ms Celeste Ayala, no doubt!