Freddie Mercury lost most of his foot before death, reveals Queen bandmate Brian May

In a recent interview with Times Magazine, Brian May revealed some deep dark secrets from the final moments of Freddie Mercury's time here on earth.

The legendary late vocalist died of AIDS in the year 1991, after battling with the disease for very long.

May told Times, about how one of his foot was almost lost during the final stage, “The problem was actually his foot – and, tragically there was very little left of it.”

He recalls the incident Freddie actually showed it to him, “Once, he showed it to us at dinner. And he said: ‘Oh Brian, I’m sorry I’ve upset you by showing you that’. And I said, ‘I’m not upset, Freddie, except to realise that you have to put up with so much terrible pain’.”

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May regrets that Freddie died only a few months before the combination drug therapy for AIDS came into picture and he still believes he could've been saved if it wasn't for the gap of those few months between his death and the therapy drugs being discovered.

Further in his interview, Brian also talks about Freddie's sexuality mentioning that the band always knew of his homosexuality, but later he made a formal announcement of the same making it 'obvious'

"The visitors to Freddie’s dressing room started to change from hot chicks to hot men. It didn't matter to us."

You can read the full interview of Times with Brian here.

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