More on Mo'Nique Controversy: Accuses Oprah of Exploiting her Sexual Molestation Story

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Mo'Nique turned several heads recently when she lashed out at filmmaker Tyler Perry, Lee Daniels and Oprah Winfrey for blacklisting her, or blackballing as she calls it, from the industry.

An expletive filled stand-up at the Apollo Theater on 13 May, featured her dragging the three after accusing them of keeping her from getting work following their disputes while working on the 2009 Lee Daniels directed flick, 'Precious.'

As the shocking video showing the actress asking the three to "Suck her d**k", went viral on social media, Mo'Nique went online to give an explanation about what made her go after Oprah.

The 49 year old actress was apparently not happy with Winfrey for inviting her family over to her show to talk about the actress' revelations related to being sexually abused by her brother when she was a child. Mo'Nique claimed that the talk-show queen was exploiting her situation after the Precious star had already told her that she was not in 'good-terms' with her mother.

Watch a snippet of the video below:


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