A true Hero: Woman jumps in front of speeding car to save the life of a little boy

Shanta Jordan deserves all the praise that comes her away, for literally risking her own life in order to save someone she didn't even know.

The incident occurred in Bridgeport, Connecticut when a speeding car rushed towards pedestrians on a sidewalk, pinning down a little boy against a stone wall on the side of a street, with Jordan jumping in front of the out-of-control vehicle leading to less fatal injuries to the boy.

Absorbing much of the pressure of the vehicle, after its driver lost the control, Jordan pushed the little boy out of the way and threw herself in front of him.

Screengrab of the incident from Youtube
Police and local leaders are applauding Jordan's heroic act, stating the boy would not have been alive if it wasn't for her. The local authorities plan to give Shanta a tribute at City Hall next week. She is presently recovering from the injuries caused during the accident.

“If she did not step in, the child would be in direct contact with the motor vehicle against the wall, and most likely, he would have perished,” Bridgeport police chief A.J. Perez said. “He would have died.” 

The little boy did sustain some serious injuries on his legs. And although doctors initially thought they might have to amputate his legs, they were able to save them following a lengthy surgery.

The driver of the car, who's also hospitalized at this point, will be facing reckless driving and other charges.

What a brave young woman!!

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