Tupac's secret letter to Madonna explaining his cause of break-up, pulled out of auction by the singer

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Several items from Madonna's personal memorabilia were put on auction by the website 'gottahaverockandroll.com', which has irked and shocked the singer enough take a legal coarse of action again them.

The list of items that were put up in auction by Madonna's former friend and consultant, Darlene Lutz include undergarments that were worn by the singer at one point, handwritten notes to her family and friends and letters she received from television personality Rosie O'Donnell. 

But the one thing that is causing much distress to the performer, and a rather greater shock to her audience is a personal letter written by Madonna's former lover and legendary rapper Tupac Shakur, addressing explaining the reasons as to why he had to end his relationship with the material girl.

According to sources, Tupac states "her being white" as the reason for their separation, as he was concerned about - what racial difference between the two might have done to his public image.

The scandalous list of items were put up on auction on the website by Lutz, who now faced a legal consequence from the stunned Pop superstar, who alleges the items were infact stolen from her possession without her knowledge.

 On Tuesday, Madonna filed for an emergency court order in NYC to put a stay on the auction - which as it turns out, has been approved by a judge, ordering the auction site to remove the said items from their website.

A website spokesperson however claims that the items were the legal property of Lutz, and they will challenge Madonna in a court of law.

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