Usher herpes scandal: Accuser Quantasia says she has a sex-tape with him
Sharpton is one of the many accusers, who have filed a lawsuit against the singer, seeking compensations for exposing them to the Herpes virus - after his alleged infection was made public through old court documents, in which he said to have made a settlement with an unidentified woman after infecting her with the STD.
Sharpton spoke with Youtube Vlogger Miss Jacob Kohinoor and revealed that she has the entire sexual encounter with the 'Caught Up' singer on tape and plans to put him behind bars. She has also further claimed that Usher happened to know about being filmed during their encounter.
Hmm. Interesting.
Watch her speak with Kohinoor below:
Although, Quantasia has been tested negative of Herpes - her lawsuit is based on the ground that the singer exposed her to the virus, due to being infected at the time of having an alleged sexual intercourse with her at her hotel room- following his concert.
Meanwhile, Quantasia's attorney Lisa Bloom is busy gathering the hotel CCTV footage to trace down Usher's entry into the hotel and his stroll straight to her room back in 2014.
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