Nicki Bella and John Cena strip on Youtube to celebrate 500K subscribers

As previously, promised by Nicki that she and her fiance John Cena would strip to zero clothes on her channel if she reaches 500K subscribers, the couple obliged and did a hilarious video together where the two are seen stripping and doing some silly dance moves for the camera.

After her announced 'pact' with her fans last week, they railed in to make sure she reaches the 500K mark faster and established that only within a few days. And so she decided to make the video.

John who appeared hesitant in the beginning of the video, tries to brush it aside to which Nicki tells him, '"Just shut up and take your clothes off!"

And so they strip instantly and do some silly shimmy and shake it for the camera, until John bends and farts towards Nicki.

Watch the nutjob video below:

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