Photographer accuses Chris Brown of punching him in a press conference

Seems like Chris Brown has got himself into trouble all over again. According to recently circulated reports, the star is accused of punching another man during a scuffle in Tampa over the weekend.

When Chris arrived for the press conference along with his entourage, a photographer started taking pictures of him, to which Chris protested and asked him not to.

Later the same day, when Chris was in the DJ Booth, he noticed the photographer taking pictures again, though according to him, he was only clicking pictures of the crowd. Nevertheless, the situation got out of hand after that, as Chris jumped over to him and started throwing several blows on his face, leading to a crooked lip

Police was called into the scene, however Brown had already left the spot by then. The photographer will now be pressing charges against the singer.

Trouble never stops for Chris we guess. Or may be he never stops running into them.

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