Saddam Hussein spent his last days jamming to Mary J Blige

Imagine, Iraq's dictator and former president, Saddam Hussein jamming to, "I've done enough cryin', cryin''s time to say bye, bye bye" during the last days of his life.

Apparently, Mary J Blige was among the few things that could provide Suddam Hussein some solace during his final days, before getting executed on 30, December 2006.

Will Bardenwerper, one of the American soldiers who were guarding Hussein, while he was in captivity - waiting for his trial, has revealed some secrets pertaining to the final moments of the former president of Iraq.

The Book entitled, ‘The Prisoner in His Palace: Saddam Hussein, His American Guards, and What History Leaves Unsaid’, attempts to unviel some never talked-before secrets during Suddam's execution at Camp Justice, located in the northeast of Baghdad.

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Will reveals that Hussein would tune into the radio and switch between channels, only finding satisfaction when Mary J Blige would play on one of the stations.

At that point, Mary J Blige was out with singles like 'Take Me As I Am', 'Be Without You' and 'Enough Cryin' from her seventh studio album, The Breakthrough released a year ago.

Hussein was hanged on the first day of Eid ul Adha on December, 2006 for crimes against humanity.

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