Mamma Mia remake will also star Cher along with Meryl sreep

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Cher and Meryl Streep will be reuniting on the big-screen again.

As reported and confirmed by Entertainment Weekly, the two Oscar powerhouses will join forces for the upcoming sequel of 'Mamma Mia' - a musical extension of the first installment released in the year 2008.

Based on the musical catalog of the timeless, ABBA - 'Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again' - much like its prequel, will feature another set of classics from the best-selling Sweidish band.

This will be Cher's first role since 2010's Burlesque and will feature her alongside Streep, nearly 34 years after the were seen together in 'Silkwood' - a film that got both actresses Oscar nods.

Cher also posted a couple of hints related to her participation in the project on her Twittle handle - suggesting she may actually be performing to the song 'Fernando' in the movie.

Ah. The thought of it brings us chills.

Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again is scheduled for completion and release on 2018.


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