Sandra Bullock donates $1 million to aid Hurricane Harvey victims

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Oscar winning actress, Sandra Bullock, has lent her support to aid the victims of Hurricane Harvey.

The 53 year old actress made a whopping donation of $1 million to Red Cross foundation, in order to provide relief to a flood-struck Texas.

Elizabeth Penniman, Vice President of communications for American Red Cross headquarters, spoke to PEOPLE on the donation made by Bullock and appreciated her generosity. “This is an incredible gift. We’re so thankful. It’s times like this when we do receive such an incredible amount of support. Especially during times of disaster, people see what’s happening in Texas and our hearts all go out to them,” Penniman told the publication. “Having someone like Sandra Bullock make this kind of commitment, it helps bring people together and open their hearts and be even more generous.”

The relief fund has received several donations from Hollywood celebs - with names like Chris Brown, Nicki Minaj, Beyonce, The Rock, Kevin Hart, Kim Kardashian among several others stepping up to lend their support.

Bullock urged people to put aside their political differences and come together to help the people affected by the disaster.

“There are no politics in eight feet of water. There are human beings in eight feet of water,” says the actress. "I’m just grateful I can do it."

“We all have to do our part.”

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If you want to make a donation through Red Cross you can give a call on 1-800- RED-CROSS; or access their dedicated page for the Hurricane Harvey relief, by clicking here.

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