Onlooker Captured Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker ‘Stairs Scene’ In Real-Time. Watch it Here!

The staircase-scene from Joauquin Phoenix’s recently released ‘Joker’ instantly acquired ‘iconic’ status, soon after the movie was released – or probably even before that.

Featuring the ‘anti-hero’ and the infamous comic-book character, casually strolling and dancing down the stairs – before going on a killing spree later in the movie – the scene was shot on an ordinary staircase in The Bronx and soon transformed it into a tourist hotspot.


As the movie crosses the ‘Billion Dollar’ benchmark on global box-office, a ‘real-time’ footage from the shooting of the very scene has now been shared by an onlooker, who witnessed it first-hand.

Needless to say, the bootleg “behind-the-scenes” clip has been going viral for obvious fanaticism surrounding the movie and the character.

Here’s the viral real-time footage of the scene being shot in Bronx:


Here’s more:


Do you get the hype?