Actor Gary Sinise Takes 1,000 Children Of Martyred Soldiers To Disney World

Forrest Gump actor Gary Sinise gave a heartwarming surprise to some 1,000 children of fallen soldiers.

The 64 year old took all the kids for a trip to Disney World under his – Gary Sinise Foundation, as part of the ‘annual holidays’ for family members of martyrs, that the foundation runs.

1,750 relatives of military heroes were give the chance to fly to Orlando, to take part in the foundation-sponsored trip.

Here’s what the actor said of it on his Twitter handle:

“Today begins our GSF Snowball Express #14. Over 1000 Gold Star Children travel with surviving parent or guardian, over 1,750 in all, via our travel partner @AmericanAir to Disney World as part of our @GarySiniseFound Snowball Express program.”

He further added:

“This charter left Los Angeles this morning with 91 kids, 176 in all, and I got to take these photos with them before they left. I’ll join up in a few days. Have fun kids! We love you!”

Here are some of the heartwarming pictures of the beautiful initiative:






Lovely, innit?