Moving Out of the U.S. Is on My ‘Bucket List’, Says Jennifer Lopez

Moving out of the U.S. and settling down in some place quieter is on the bucket list of actress and singer Jennifer Lopez.

The 50 year old superstar, who’s presently riding high on the critical success of her role in Hustlers, recently spoke about what remains to be done on her bucket list – and it was mostly about her settling down at some place in Italy (or may be Bali), away from the limelight and the hustle-bustle of her present world.

During her recent interview with Vanity Fair, here’s what she was quoted as telling:

“It’s always a career thing that they ask about, and I think, Oh, yeah. Direct. But if you’re saying bucket list, I would say I would love to live somewhere other than the United States, in a small town in Italy, or on the other side of the world, in Bali.”

She further stated:

“Find another life where it’s a little bit more simple and organic and where I get to ride a bike, and buy bread, and put it in my basket, and then go home and put jelly on it, and just eat and paint, or sit in a rocking chair where there was a beautiful view of an olive tree or an oak tree and I could just *smell*. I have fantasies like that.”

Don’t worry. JLo has no plans of taking an indefinite sabbatical off to Italy just yet, as she does state that she’s also in love with where she is right now and “everything is in a great place” with her personal life and kids.

You can read her full interview with Vanity Fair, here.
