“My Oscar win meant nothing for diversity”: Halle Berry upset her Oscar-win changed nothing

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Halle Berry is not happy with the way things have turned out after her history Oscar win in the year 2002.

The 50 year old actress recently sat down for an interview with Teen Vogue and talked about her disappointment with how her becoming the first African-American woman to win the ‘Best Actress’ Oscar has had little to no impact in promoting diversity in Hollywood.
“I sat there and I really thought, ‘Wow, that moment really meant nothing. It meant nothing. I thought it meant something, but I think it meant nothing,'” she said. “I was profoundly hurt by that, and saddened by that.”
Berry went into contemplating her win and its after-effects (or a lack of them), after 2016’s #OscarsSoWhite campaign that lashed out the Academy for its lack of nominations of colored artists.
The actress created history 15 years ago, when she won the lead actress Oscar for her performance in the Marc Forster directed critically-acclaimed drama, ‘Monster’s Ball.’ 
More than one-and-a-half decade later, she remains the only colored actress to do so.
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In her interview with the magazine, the actress and mother of two, further talked how she’d be willing to take up the role of a filmmaker, to help more diverse and inclusive stories come to celluloid. 
“I think black people – people of color – only have a chance to win based on how much we’re allowed to put out. That says to me that we need more people of color writing, directing, producing – not just starring. We have to start telling stories that include us,” she said. “It inspired me to try to get involved in other ways, which is why I want to start directing. I want to start producing more. I want to start making more opportunities for people of color.”
Berry who’s an Academy member herself, has been promoting and pushing for a more inclusive approach among other members of the academy. “I have conversations more deeply with Academy members, and I’m trying to figure out how to help and add more diversity to the Academy,” she said. “These kinds of groups have to start changing and have to become more conscious and more inclusive.”